Creativity Trail Is Like a Small Theme Park in Southern Estonia

The Creativity Trail is a landscape-based creative thinking process. Connecting various buildings, the trail reveals creativity’s essence through 20+ stories. The trail has 4 layers - activity locations with information stands, stories accessed via QR codes, and a workbook.

The independent completion time of the path is approximately 30-45 minutes - in this case, it's an entertaining and informative pastime. The guided group visit time is approximately 60-90 minutes - suitable for generating ideas needed to solve specific challenges.

NB! To use the path, you need to have a smartphone with you, as the experience of using the path is more exciting when you can read the information under QR codes.

Creativity Trail

Activity Points of the Creativity Trail

  • Stone World. Defining the problem is like squeezing water from a stone - at this activity point, you'll find the right and manageable focus and precise wording. 
  • Hive World. Once the problem is defined, you need to ask yourself if you have the necessary knowledge to solve it. This activity point inspires finding many solutions. 
  • Sand World. Ideas are fragile in the early stages, like sandcastles, easily crumbling apart. The third activity point helps to think through the found ideas better and explain them to others. 
  • Swing World. You don't need many ideas, but one good one. But the choice is difficult - it's like swinging on a swing and weighing the pros and cons. This point helps in making a choice. 
  • Lounging Oasis. To evoke creativity, you need moments of relaxation just as much as thinking and discussion. Lounging after the effort is part of creative being. The last activity point is for lounging.
Creativity Trail

Guided Group Visit 

The guided group visit of the Creativity Trail can be combined with solving a specific challenge - we provide participants with a "key to unlocking the path." It's a "workbook" that helps to connect the tasks of the activity points with your practical challenge, record results, and make decisions.

Before or after completing the path, you can spend time in our café, where good coffee is available (it's a human right). Snacks can be ordered additionally. The café can accommodate up to 20 people at a time. 

Creativity Trail


  • Price for a guided group visit - €190 (up to 10 people, each additional person €15). 
  • Price for a guided group visit including accommodation - €560 (up to 10 people, each additional person €50). 
  • Independent completion of the Creativity Trail is free for all club event participants. For others, please register in advance using the form below.

Creativity Trail was created in collaboration with Jaan Aru and BlueRay. Jaan Aru is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Tartu. He researches the brain, human mind, and artificial intelligence and has published over thirty research papers in international scientific literature. BlueRay is an award-winning creator of experiences.

Booking is required! Contact us using the form below and let's schedule a time!

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